Exclusive-OR Gate 互斥或門;異或」門;異-或門;異或門,異門;exclusive-OR operator 異算子;異算符;互斥或運算子;logical exclusive-OR 邏輯「異或」;exclusive-OR operation 互斥或作業;排除的論理和演算;pulse exclusive-OR 脈衝「異-或」邏輯;
1.The AND, ADD, OR, and Exclusive -OR operations require two operations. 「與」,「求和」,「或」以及「異」等操作需要兩個操作。
2.Aiming at the safe problem of image transmission, this paper presents a bit-exclusive-or based image scrambling algorithm. 針對數字圖像的傳輸安全問題,提出了一種基於相鄰像素間位異或的圖像置亂算法。
3.A lot of bird species form more-or-less exclusive, more-or-less long-term pair bonds in which both parents raise the offspring. 比如鳥類婚姻也多少具有排他性,而且也是由於父母雙方要共同撫養後代而至。