bareboat['bεə'bəut]adj. 空船的
bareboat 空船的;光船;bareboat charterer 光船承租人;光船租船人;bareboat chartering 光船租船;bareboat CP 光船租船合同;bareboat charter 光船租船;租船;光船租賃;銀行結單;
1.For across-strait tramp ship transport by time charter or bareboat charter, copy of the charter contract or corresponding documents shall also be provided. 以期租船或光船租賃方式經營兩岸間不定期船運輸的,還應提供租賃合同或相應文件的複印件。
2.Article 151 The shipowner shall not establish any mortgage of the ship during the bareboat charter period without the prior consent in writing by the charterer. 第一百五十一條未經承租人事先書面同意,出租人不得在光船租賃期間對船舶設定抵押權。
3.Understanding that can make a basis for solving the following matters, such as the diversion of the ownership, who takes charge the risk of the bareboat and something about hoping right. 雙方權利、義務內容的明確也為下文所有權的轉移、標的物風險負擔、期待利益等合同問題的論述做以鋪墊。