snowmobilesn. 履帶式雪上汽車(snowmobile複數)
Snowmobiles 履帶式雪上汽車;雪車;Kawasaki Snowmobiles 川崎雪地摩托車》;川崎雪橇 美版;Kawasaki Snowmobiles- 歐版 川崎雪橇;歐版 川崎雪橇;歐版 川崎雪橇;Ski Doo Snowmobiles Challenge 斯基度雪地車挑戰賽;
1.I also like the outdoors. Camping, Kayaking, Snowmobiles, Swimming, Rivers in the Summer and Mountains in the Winter. 我也喜歡戶外,野營,划艇,滑雪,游泳,夏天的河和冬天的山。
2.The first order of business is inspecting his Harley-Davidsons, ATVs, snowmobiles and boats to make sure they're ready for rentes. 生意的第一項工作便是檢修哈雷戴維森機車、全地形汽車、雪上汽車、以及划艇,他要確保它們能夠出租。
3.But opponents of a shift say they fear the Park Service will limit even further hunters and people who use snowmobiles and other off-road vehicles. 但反對者說他們擔心公園管理協會將來甚至會限制進一步的開發,或者限制人們使用諸如雪地摩托車還有其他一些代步工具。