Chelyabinsk 車裡雅賓斯克;亞賓斯克;Chelyabinsk Ferrosplav 車裡雅賓斯克鐵合金廠;Chelyabinsk Zinc 賓斯科;Chelyabinsk Oblast 車裡雅賓斯克州;Chelyabinsk Region 車裡雅賓斯克州;
1.Six parachutists have been killed along with an instructor and their pilot in a plane crash near the Urals city of Chelyabinsk, Russian media report. 俄羅斯媒體報道,烏拉爾城市車裡雅賓斯克附近一架飛機失事,造成六名傘兵、一名教練以及他們的飛行員喪生。
2.SCO member states joint anti-terror military exercise in Russia military exercise held in Chelyabinsk. 上海合作組織成員國聯合反恐軍事演習實兵演練在俄羅斯車裡雅賓斯克舉行。
3.Plane crash in the city of Chelyabinsk from the 30 km of forest edge, 9 crew members of the remains found at the crash site. 飛機墜毀於距離車裡雅賓斯克市30公里的森林邊緣地帶,9名機組人員的遺體在失事現場找到。
4.A city of eastern European U. S. S. R. in the southern Ural Mountains west of Chelyabinsk. It is a rail junction and metallurgical center. Population, 204, 000. 茲拉托烏斯特:蘇聯東歐部分一城市,位於烏拉爾山南部、平裡雅賓斯克以西,它是一個鐵路樞紐和冶金中心。人口204,000。
5.A city of southwest Siberian U. S. S. R. in the Ural Mountains south-southwest of Chelyabinsk. 馬格尼托哥爾斯克:原蘇聯西伯利亞西南部的一個城市,位於車裡雅賓斯克的西南偏南方向,烏拉爾山區。