allegran. 愛蘭歌娜(油輪名)
Allegra 活潑的;克勞汀;非索非那定鹽酸鹽;艾雷葛拉;Costa Allegra 愛蘭歌娜號;歌詩達愛蘭歌娜;歌詩達;愛蘭歌娜;Allegra Goodman 古德曼;Rendezvous Allegra 瑞德福酒店;Allegra Burnette 伯奈特女士;
1.Allegra: You have to PLAY the game, to find out WHY you're playing the game. 雅雷格拉:你必須要玩這個遊戲,才能知道你為什麼在玩這個遊戲。
2.A standout among the science novels published in the past few years is Intuition, by Allegra Goodman. 古德曼的《直覺》(Intuition)是這幾年的科學小說中表現卓越的。
3.'The struggle to adjust really begins when the initial high of moving to a new place or back to an old home wears off, ' says Allegra Richards. Now a senior at Harvard, Ms. 哈佛大學四年級學生理查茲說,搬到一個新地方或回到以前的家中那種最初的興奮感逐漸消失後,調整適應的艱難過程就開始了。