immethodical[,imə'θɔdikəl]adj. 無秩序的;不成體系的
immethodical 無次序的;不成體系的;不成體系;chaotic disorderly immethodical 無秩序的;unorderly wild hugger-mugger immethodical littery mussy tanglesome 雜亂的;
1.The fourth is that the study on the enterprise product mix adjustment from the side of theory is scarce and fragmentary, immethodical. 四是迄今為止理論界對企業產品結構調整問題的研究還是少之又少,有關產品結構方面的研究還只是零星、不成體系的。
2.It means that there are either latent impact factors in organizational learning theory or immethodical technologies of learning organization practice. 這表明,組織學習要麼存在著理論上尚未釐清甚至尚未發現的潛在影響因素,要麼在技術上尚未達到成熟運用的程度。
3.with the load increasing, the arrangement of the particle conglomerate is developed to the immethodical state and the pore's directionality is better than the particle conglomerate's; 隨著荷載的增加,顆粒集聚體排列向著雜亂無序的方向發展,孔隙定向性優於顆粒排列;