





limbsn. 四肢(limb的複數)


limbs 四肢;四肢整形;林木城;肢體;upper limbs 上肢;Eight Limbs 八方位體;limbs disturbance 釋義:肢體功能障礙;hypertrophy limbs 釋義:肢體肥大;


1.The tree was felled and limbed. 樹被伐倒並被砍去枝條。

2.It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. 音樂好像在我的肢體內注入力量,頭腦內注入思想。

3.And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance. 當大地要索取你的肢體時,你才真正地開始跳舞。


debility of the limbs; flaccidity of limbs in paralysis - 四肢不用

limbs electrode - 四肢電極

limbs electrode band - 四肢電極縛帶

flaccidity of limbs due to deficiency of qi - 氣虛痿

cold limbs due to excess of heat - 熱厥

numb limbs and tense tendons; spasm of muscles - 筋脈拘急

numb limbs and tense tendons - 肢體麻木

soreness of the limbs and joints - 肢節疼痛

flaccidity of limbs due to blood stasis - 血瘀痿

mania induced by sudden emotional upset; syncope and old limbs due to yang-heat - 陽厥


n.厥疝 - abdominal pain with cold limbs

n.四肢骨 - bones of limbs

n.四肢濕冷 - clammy limbs

n.寒厥,手足逆冷 - cold limbs

n.熱厥 - cold limbs due to excess of heat

n.四肢不用 - debility of the limbs

n.四肢水腫 - edema of limbs

n.抽筋痧 - eruptive disease with spasm of lower limbs

n.腿游風 - erysipelas at the lower limbs

n.下厥上竭 - exhaustion of blood with cold limbs

n.血瘀痿 - flaccidity of limbs due to blood stasis

n.氣虛痿 - flaccidity of limbs due to deficiency of qi

n.四肢不用 - flaccidity of limbs in paralysis

n.腳氣弱 - flaccidity of lower limbs

n.身重 - heaviness sensation in the limbs

n.四肢不舉 - inability to raise the limbs

n.手足蠕動,手足躁擾 - involuntary movement of limbs

n.四肢疲倦 - lassitude of limbs

n.四肢無力 - myasthenia of limbs

n.肢體麻木,筋脈拘急 - numb limbs and tense tendons

n.四肢麻木 - numbness of limbs

n.腳氣 - placcidity of lower limbs

n.厥心痛 - precordial pain with cold limbs

n.不寧肢體 - restless limbs

n.脆腳 - severe edema of lower limbs

n.四肢拘急 - spasm of limbs

n.肢節疼痛 - soreness of the limbs and joints

n.陽厥 - syncope and old limbs due to yang-heat

n.熱深厥深 - the colder the limbs

n.四肢的活動 - the mobility of the four limbs

n.四肢抽搐 - tic of limbs

n.四肢靜脈造影 - venography of limbs

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