n. beaver state ,operating room ,operating theater ,oregon
orsabbr. 補液鹽;老紅砂岩;光記錄子系統
ORS 口服補液鹽;補液鹽;口服補液;獎學金;Se ors 傳感器;敏感元件;succe ors 繼承人;ORS Others 其他的;sci ors 剪刀;剪子;
1.During the oral defense of your thesis, tut- ors and experts will fire questions at you. 在論文答辯過程中,導師 和專家們會向你一連串的 發問。
2.An auto y showed that Jimella Tu tall bled to death after sustaining an abdominal wound caused by a sharp object, believed to be sci ors, Hart has said. 哈特說,屍檢顯示,賈米拉·湯斯頓是在腹部受到持續的利器創傷後失血過多致死的,相信凶器是剪刀。
3.One of the most promising new technologies to help achieve that goal is a new breed of low-powered microproce ors that can vary the ends at which they operate. 有助於達到這一目標的最有希望的新技術之一就是製造新型的低功率微處理器,該處理器在運行中可以改變速度。