Charismatic Renewal 靈恩復興運動;Glyph of Renewal 再生符號;ingeminate iterate reaffirm reiterate renew renewal restate 重申;ingeminate iterate reaffirm reiterate renew renewal restate 重申;renewal 更新;初生;續借;續期;
1.Renewal – Upon renewal, the PRC worker will bear the cost of the air-ticket should he/she applies for home leave. 更新-在更新,中華人民共和國工作者將承擔空氣票的費用如果他或她申請家庭事假。
2.Concepts in the renewal plan, such as Reactivating function, partition localization and area control, has provided the model far other shore water cities renewal plans. 在更新規劃中體現出來的復活機能構思、分段定位和面積控制等理念為其他濱水城市的更新規劃提供了借鑒。
3.If it is necessary to extend the lease term, the Leasee must file a petition for renewal before the expiration of the contract. The Leasor has the right to determine the renewal. 承租方如要求延長租期,須在合同到期前提出續租申請,出租方有權決定是否續租。
4.In the article, corrosion control and renewal of oil tank as well as the process and advantages of renewal technology are introduced in detail. 介紹了油罐防腐保護與再生技術,並對再生技術的內容及優點作了重點介紹。
5.Thus it is dependent on the government allotting enough funding at the necessary time for public land resources so that the renewal project can process smoothly. 因此,尚需仰賴政府適時挹注公有土地資源,以促使更新順利推動。
cell renewal system - 細胞更新系統
n.細胞更新系統 - cell renewal system