restartingn. 重新起動;再引弧v. 重新啟動(restart的ing形式)
restarting 重新開始;再起動;重新起動;再引弧;Application restarting 應用程序重新啟動;restarting lever 重開機桿;restarting a weld 再引弧;Set Periodically Restarting Time 設置週期再啟動時間;
1.All I want is the sleep function when I shut my laptop, shutting down and restarting is a pain. 所有我想的是睡眠功能當我關閉我的筆記本電腦,關機和重新啟動是一種痛苦。
2.USB technology supports hot plug and play, which means users can plug in new peripherals and use them without restarting their PCs. usb技術支持熱插拔,這意味著主用戶插入新外設時,無須重新啟動pc機就能使用它們。
3.Rollball – a roll ball is a means of restarting play after a touch or error. The attacking player rolls the ball backwards between their legs on the ground. 地面滾球–是指在觸碰或失誤發生後比賽重新開始的一種方式,進攻方球員將球放在場地上,並把球從其雙腿之間滾向身體後方。