ungual['ʌŋɡwəl]adj. 爪的;有爪的;爪似的
ungual 指甲的;有爪的;爪似的;phalanx ungual 釋義:爪指骨,末節指骨,末節趾骨;爪指(趾)骨;ungual commissurotomy 釋義:手指交界分離術;ungual commissurotome 釋義:爪形交界切開器(分離器);ungual phalanx 釋義:指甲,指骨,末節指骨;
1.Make: The scald in order to remove hairs or feathers after 1 chicken butcher goes wool, paunch goes dirty, chop goes ungual, rinse clean. 製作:1雞宰殺後煺去毛,剖腹去髒,剁去爪,沖洗乾淨。
2.My skin not very is good, mosquito touches me to have a package, itched I can go ungual, the bag was defeated by my claw, defeated completely on the leg now, how should I do? 我的皮膚不怎麼好,蚊子一碰我就起包,癢了我就會去爪,包就被我爪破了,現在腿上全破了,我該怎麼辦啊?
3.In IT pattern fission today, appearing of catenary downstream in IT industry new dissimilation -- be called one kind " elephant matches 8 ungual fish " industrial pattern is being formed. 在IT格局裂變的今天,在IT產業鏈的下游正在出現新的異化——一種被稱為「大象配八爪魚」的產業模式正在形成。
phalangette; ungual phalanx - 末節指骨