WTCabbr. 美國世界貿易中心(World Trade Center)
WTC 世界貿易中心;世貿中心;World Trade Center;WebLogic Tuxedo Connector;WTC CHINA 屈臣氏集團;wtc more 世貿中心;銅鑼灣世貿中心;世貿中心商場;WTC Waiting Time Charge 待時費;WTC Wireless Telegraph Communication 無線電報通信;
1.Although it was 1040 feet in the sky, the WTC was quite steady. 儘管這是空中1040英尺的高處,世貿中心仍穩如泰山。
2.Reporter: As far as I know, World Trade Center Mumbai and WTCA were set up in the same year, so without any doubt, WTC Mumbai is the doyen of WTCs. 記者:據我所知孟買世貿中心和世界貿易中心協會是同一年成立的,在世貿中心裡面算是元老級的「人物」啦!
3.Now that you've briefly seen the surroundings of the site where the WTC once stood, have your thoughts on the memorial process changed or stayed the same? 現在你大致看了世貿所在的地方周圍,你對紀念碑的想法是改變了還是一樣?