





n. gristle


cartilage['kɑ:tilidʒ]n. [解]軟骨


Cartilage 軟骨: 白色、含纖維的半透明結締組織;減輕並關節表面的磨損傷害。;軟骨組織;軟骨,內韌帶;articular cartilage 關節軟骨;關節軟骨;釋義:關節軟骨;cartilage lacuna 軟骨陷窩;軟骨陷窩?;epiglottic cartilage 會厭軟骨;釋義:會厭軟骨;會壓軟骨;joint cartilage 關節軟骨;


1.Cricoid (17) Lower cartilage of the larynx. 環狀軟骨(17)喉頭的下軟骨。

2.How is cartilage of leg knee joint degrades caused? 腿膝蓋關節軟骨退化是怎麼引起的?

3.A break, rupture, or crack, especially in bone or cartilage. 尤指在骨頭或軟骨上的破碎、破裂或裂縫。


epiglottic cartilage cutting forceps - 會厭軟骨切除鉗

laryngeal cartilage scissors - 喉頭軟骨剪

notches in cartilage of external acoustic meatus - 外耳道軟骨切跡

isthmus car; isthmus of cartilage of auricle - 耳軟骨峽

costal cartilage hyperplasia - 肋軟骨增生

congenital discoid cartilage of knee joint - 膝關節先天性盤狀軟骨

extirpation of floating cartilage of knee joint - 膝關節游離體摘除術

cartilage knife; chondrotome - 軟骨刀

cartilage cutting scissors; cartilage scissors - 軟骨剪

cartilage capsule - 軟骨囊

cartilage matrix - 軟骨基質

zone of calcified cartilage matrix - 軟骨基質鈣化區

cartilage islands - 軟骨島

cartilage grafting - 軟骨移植

reconstructionof ear with cartilage graft - 軟骨移植耳再建術

cartilage tissue - 軟骨組織

cartilage cell; chondrocyte - 軟骨細胞

cartilage capsule - 軟骨細胞囊

proliferative zone of cartilage cell - 軟骨細胞繁殖區

cartilage cell group - 軟骨細胞群

cartilage spaces - 軟骨腔隙

cartilage forceps - 軟骨鑷

cartilage cavities - 軟骨陷窩

cartilago septi nasi; septal cartilage of nose - 鼻中隔軟骨

nasal cartilage elevator - 鼻軟骨剝離器

nasal cartilage sharp curette - 鼻軟骨銳匙


副軟骨,副鼻軟骨 - accessory cartilage

鼻翼軟骨 - alar cartilage

n.環狀軟骨 - annular cartilage

杓狀軟胃尖 - apex of arytenoid cartilage

n.環狀軟骨弓 - arch of cricoid cartilage

n.關節軟骨 - articular cartilage

杓狀軟骨 - arytenoid cartilage

n.耳郭軟骨 - auricular cartilage

杓狀軟骨底 - base of arytenoid cartilage

基底軟骨 - basilar cartilage

n.支氣管軟骨 - bronchial cartilage

n.鈣化軟骨 - calcified cartilage

n.軟骨內小管 - canals of cartilage

細胞性軟骨,透明軟骨 - cellular cartilage

n.耳郭軟骨 - conchal cartilage

n.膝關節先天性盤狀軟骨 - congenital discoid cartilage of knee joint

n.小角軟骨 - corniculate cartilage

n.環狀軟骨 - cricoid cartilage

輪狀環咽軟骨 - cricopharyngeal cartilage

n.肋軟骨 - costal cartilage

n.肋軟骨增生 - costal cartilage hyperplasia

頭軟骨 - cranial cartilage

n.楔狀軟骨 - cuneiform cartilage

n.半月板囊腫 - cyst of semilunar cartilage

n.盤狀軟骨 - discoid cartilage

n.黃軟骨 - elastic cartilage

n.會厭軟骨 - epiglottic cartilage

n.會厭軟骨切除鉗 - epiglottic cartilage cutting forceps

n.骺軟骨 - epiphyseal cartilage

骨骺軟骨 - epiphysial cartilage

n.外耳道軟骨 - external meatal cartilage

n.膝關節游離體摘除術 - extirpation of floating cartilage of knee joint

甲狀軟骨穿通 - fenestration of thyroid cartilage

纖維軟骨 - fibrous cartilage

n.環狀軟骨骨折 - fracture of cricoid cartilage

n.甲狀軟骨上角骨折 - fracture of superior horn of thyroid cartilage

n.甲狀軟骨骨折 - fracture of thyroid cartilage

n.大翼軟骨 - greater alar cartilage

軟骨基質 - ground substance of cartilage

玻璃樣軟骨,透明軟骨 - hyaline cartilage

舌軟骨 - hyoid cartilage

甲狀軟骨下角 - inferior horn of thyroid cartilage

椎間軟骨 - intervertebral cartilage

n.耳軟骨峽 - isthmus of cartilage of auricle

n.環狀軟骨板 - lamina of cricoid cartilage

n.甲狀軟骨板 - lamina of thyroid cartilage

喉頭軟骨 - laryngeal cartilage

n.喉頭軟骨剪 - laryngeal cartilage scissors

外側軟骨 - lateral cartilage

n.鼻外側軟骨 - lateral nasal cartilage


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