claystone 粘土石 粘土巖;粘土石 粘土巖;claystone diagenesis 粘土巖成巖作用;varicoloured claystone 雜色粘土巖;ured claystone 雜色粘土巖;
1.Based on the study of the mineral composition, the micro-structure and the physicochemical properties of claystone in the roof and the floor for No. 在分析龍口礦區2號煤層頂底板粘土巖的物質組成、微結構和物化特性的基礎上,討論了粘土巖的膨脹特性對巷道穩定性的影響,進而指出了本研究在巷道工程應用中的意義。
2.Iiupanshan basin is a potential area. The oil generating conditions in Tras - Jura are similar to Ordos basin. Very thick dark claystone developed in Cretaceous. 六盤山盆地是油氣勘探很有前景的地區,三疊、侏羅系生油條件與鄂爾多斯盆地相似,白堊系發育厚度很大的暗色泥巖,盆地中南部達到了低成熟—成熟階段。
3.Whittled by a half million years of wind and rain, the haunting claystone hills and buttes of Badlands National Park rise above the surrounding sea of grasslands. 歷經了50萬年的風吹雨打後,惡地國家公園的黏土巖丘陵與孤山矗立在一片草原之海中。