GOSabbr. 通用操作規程(General Opera-ting Specification );全球觀測系統(global observing system);服務等級(Grade of Service)
GOS 全球觀測系統;一般操作規程;Glasgow outcome scale;Grade Of Service;GOS GeneralOperationalRequirement 普通操作要求;VEGA GOS 織女星網格操作系統;網格操作系統;網格系統軟件;FOS GOS 合益生元;Grade of Service GOS 服務級別;
1.Gos's sheeps R all over the place but no one go and look for them! 我的羊在諸山間、在各高岡上流離,在全地上分散,無人去尋,無人去找。
2.The cuckoo gos in April, or stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, or now goes apart. 布谷鳥,四月來,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,然後就離。
3.Live and death together, i whant to know your news at constantly. i think the live gos on, i can't find you, but you in my heart. 生死不離,我數秒等你消息,相信生命不息,我看不到你,你卻牽掛在我心裡。