





n. department of the interior ,doi ,inside ,interior departmenta. home ,inner ,internal ,midland


n. exterior ,outsidea. exterior


interior[in'tiəriə]n. 內部;本質adj. 內部的;國內的;本質的


interior 內部;內部,內部的;內部的;內飾;interior transportation 國內運輸;Interior Decorator 室內裝飾(磺)師;室內美術師;室內設計家;室內裝飾師;interior basin 內陸盆地;內港泊地;內港池;Int Interior 內部;內部的,在內;


1.Say interior decoration is a part of interior design only so. 所以說室內裝飾只是室內設計的一個部分。

2.For the Park building, villa style, and even interior decoration. 用於公園建設、別墅造型、甚至室內裝飾等。

3.Methods:To build up interior management mechanism and induct crisis management to the nursing management. 方法:建立健全內部的管理機制,將護理危機管理引入護理管理中。


I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over. - 我要請一個室內裝需工程師來看看這個地方。

for the repainting of the interior of the building - 用來重新粉刷內部

To help scrub the building interior clean. - 幫忙把建築的內部擦洗干 。

It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth. - 正是從這兩種波的研究中,我們可以瞭解到地球內部的許多情況。


interior extrapolation method; interiorextrapolationmethod - 交叉法

interior syndromes of febrile disease - 傷寒裡證

interior extrapolation method; interiorextrapolationmethod - 內外插法

interio heat; interior heat - 內熱

half esterio and half interior syndrome; half exterior and half interior syndrome - 半表半里證

diarrhea due to interior cold and exterior heat - 協熱下利

from interior tosuperfiies - 在出表

interior cold of excess type - 實寒

clearing out the interior heat - 清裡

clearing out the interior heat - 清裡洩熱

from interior to superficies; from the interior out to the exterior - 由裡出表

interior disturbance of the phlegm-heat - 痰火內擾

exterior cold and interior heat; exterir cold and interior heat - 表寒裡熱

exterior heat and interior cold - 表熱裡寒

exterior deficiency and interior excess - 表虛裡實

heat in both exterior and interior; the exterior and interior heat - 表裡俱熱

invasion of the interior of the body by pathogen - 邪氣內陷

interior excess - 裡實

interior cold; the interior cold - 裡寒

interior deficiency - 裡虛

interior cold syndrome of defeciency type; interior cold syndrome of deficiency type - 裡虛寒證

interior heat syndrome of deficiency type - 裡虛熱證

interior syndrome - 裡證


n.熱邪內結 - accumulation of heat in the interior

n.清裡,清裡洩熱 - clearing out the interior heat

n.表裡俱寒 - cold in both exterior and interior

n.寒從中生 - cold originating from the interior

n.協熱下利 - diarrhea due to interior cold and exterior heat

n.表裡同病 - disease involving both exterior and interior

n.表裡 - exterior and interior

n.表寒裡熱 - exterior cold and interior heat

n.表虛裡實 - exterior deficiency and interior excess

n.表熱裡寒 - exterior heat and interior cold

n.表寒裡熱 - exterir cold and interior heat

n.由裡出表 - from interior to superficies

n.在出表 - from interior tosuperfiies

n.由表入裡 - from superficies to interior

n.由裡出表 - from the interior out to the exterior

n.半表半里證 - half esterio and half interior syndrome

n.半表半里 - half exterior and half interior

n.半表半里證 - half exterior and half interior syndrome

n.熱邪傳裡 - heat-evil gets into the interior

n.表裡俱熱 - heat in both exterior and interior

n.邪氣內陷 - invasion of the interior of the body by pathogen

n.伏熱在裡 - latent heat in the interior

n.寒從中生 - old originating from the interior

n.濕熱內蘊 - retention of damp-heat in the interior

n.痰閉,痰濁內閉 - stagnation of phlegm in the interior

n.表裡俱熱 - the exterior and interior heat

n.裡寒 - the interior cold

n.表裡傳 - transmission from exterior to interior

n.表裡傳 - transmission fron exterior to interior


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