





n. base ,cornerstone ,footing ,ground


basis['beisis]n. 基礎;底部;主要成分;基本原則或原理


basis 基礎;基準;標準;差價〔有價證券;legal basis 法律依據;法律根據;法律基礎;第三節法規依據;accounting basis 會計基準,會計基本方法;會計基本方法;會計基準會計基本方法;會計基準 , 會計基本方法;accrued basis 應計基礎;應計制;price basis 價格條件;運費從價標準;


1.Christ is the basis of our Universalism. 基督是我們的普遍性的基礎。

2.Renunciation is the very basis upon which ethics stands. 自我克制正是道德得以建立的基礎。

3.We produce some kinds of animal, You can choose it on your basis. 我們生產不同種類的動物,您可以根據您的要求來選擇。


Nothing can shake the basis for my belief. - 任何東西都動搖不了我信念的基礎。

She was promoted on the basis of her accomplishment. - 她是依其成就得到晉陞的。

All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. - 好。我們收齊之後會立即寄給你。

What's the basis of your belief that the product is safe? - 你憑什麼相信產品是安全的?

We usually deal on a 20% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units. - 我們通常給予20%的商業折扣,外加訂貨1000件以上的數量折扣。

and it spread to Britain where wild rabbits are regarded as a pest but where domesticated rabbits,equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry. - 這種疾病又蔓延到了英國。在英國,野兔被當作有害的動物,可是家兔是賺錢的毛皮工業的基礎,然而家兔同樣易感染這種疾病。

All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. - 好。我們收齊之後會立即寄給你。

What's the basis of your belief that the product is safe? - 你憑什麼相信產品是安全的?


base of mandible; basis mandibulae - 下頜底

basis of internal medicine; medical jaundice - 內科學

basis of internal medicine - 內科學基礎

basis of fractionation dose - 分次劑量的基礎

base of prostate; basis prostatae - 前列腺底

base of posterior horn of spinal cord; basis cornus posterioris medullae spinalis - 後角底

basal anesthesia; basis anesthesia - 基礎麻醉

basis pedunculi cerebralis; crus cerebri - 大腦腳底

base of heart; basis cordis - 心底

base of phalanx; basis phalangis - 指骨底

bade of renal pyramid; basis pyramidis renalis - 腎錐體底

basis cornus dorsalis - 背側角底

basis encephali; facies inferior cerebri - 腦底

basis cochleae; cochlear base - 蝸底

base of cochlear axis; basis modioli - 蝸軸螺旋管

basis phalangis; phalangeal base - 趾骨底

basis cranii - 顱底

basis cranii interna; internal surface of cranial base - 顱底內面

basis cranii externa; external surface of cranial base - 顱底外面

basis frontalis; frontal base - 額底

basis nasi; floor of nose - 鼻底


n.折干計算 - calculation on dry basis

乾燥量基準,無水鹼 - dry basis

n.基因基礎 - gene basis

n.理論基礎 - theoretical basis


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