slippedadj. 打滑的v. 打滑(slip的過去分詞形式)
slipped 打滑的;下滑;打滑 打滑的;滑倒的;slipped tendon 滑腱症;釋義:滑動腱(病);slipped off 不辭而別;從...跌落;匆匆脫去鞋子;slipped calf 早產犢;slipped on 迅速穿上;
1.He slipped out before the lecture started. 報告還沒開始他就溜了出來。
2.The movie star slipped into town before the crowds reached the airport. 人群到達機場時,那個電影明星已經悄悄地進了城。
3.Montgomery slipped two divisions across the Strait of Messina one night against no resistance. 蒙哥馬利於某晚以兩個師偷越墨西拿海峽,並未遭遇抵抗。
Her name has slipped from my mind. - 我想不起她的名字了。
I'm sorry I forgot your birthday, it completely slipped my mind. - 我很抱歉忘了你的生日,我完全不記得了。
I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I broke my leg. - 我在樓梯上滑倒了並且掉下來我弄斷了腿的。
If you hadn't slipped and fallen,you wouldn't have broken your leg. - 如果你沒滑倒,你就不會斷腿了。
I slipped and fell downstairs. - 我滑了一跤,從樓梯上摔下來了。
It slipped my mind. - 我不留神忘了。
He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. - 晚會結束時,他嘴裡還在嘟噥著醫院的事,突然踩到一塊冰上滑倒了,摔斷了左腿。
slipped shoulder - 滑落肩
slipped tendon - 肌腱滑脫
slipped epiphysis of head of femur - 股骨頭骨骺滑移脫症
slipped epiphysis - 骨骺滑脫