





n. waita. ready and waiting


waiting['weitiŋ]n. 等待;服侍adj. 等待的;服侍的v. 等待;伺候(wait的ing形式);延緩


Waiting 新阿瓦爾古麗;等待;等候;守候;waiting room 候車室;等候室;侯診室;休息室;No Waiting 不准等候;無須等待的3D處理);禁止等候;waiting charge 待時費;waiting period 等待期;等待期間;等候期;等待期間;


1.There are two people waiting outside. 有兩個人正在外面等候。

2.Because of waiting, time gets its meaning. 時間因為等待而變得有意義。

3.How much of your life do you spend waiting? 在你的生活中有多少時間花於等待?


That's nice. I'll be waiting for her call. Thank you. - 太好了,那我就等她的電話。謝謝。

OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes. - 好,10分鐘後會有一部出租車在外面等候。

Could you have a taxi waiting for me, please? - 能否叫輛出租車等我?

I was just waiting for you to get home - 我正等你回來,

The production department's waiting in the conference room. - 生產部門的人正在會議室等你 。

and an advance payment waiting for you - 和預付稿酬等你來

Yes. The Molinas are waiting for me. - 不會。Molina一家人正等著我呢。

This is the moment you've been waiting for. - 你期待已久的時刻終於到來了。

International travel involves a lot of waiting around in airports. - 經常在機場等候是環球旅行的一部分。

I'm sick of waiting around like this. - 我對這樣乾等著感到厭煩。

Have you been waiting for me for a long time? - 你已經等我很久了嗎?

I've only been waiting for an hour. - 我已經等了一個小時了。

The boss is waiting in his office for us to come and explain why we failed to finish this work on time. - 老闆在他的辦公室裡等著我們前去說明未能按期完成這個工作的理由。

We were waiting for a sight of the Queen. - 我們正等著一睹女王的風采。

While waiting for the train I killed time by reading a book. - 在等火車的時候我看書來消磨時間。

By the way,who are you waiting for? - 順便說,你正在等誰?

I'm not waiting for anybody. - 我不在等任何人。

All right, I will be waiting for you . - 好的,我會等候你的。

Sorry kept you waiting so long. You are on . - 抱歉讓你久等了,接通了。

A hot story is waiting in the city! - 在市內有熱門的消息等著我們。

I'm waiting for you outside. - 我在外面等你。

Everyone's ready and waiting for you. - 大家都好了,就等你啦!

Don't keep me waiting long. - 不要讓我等得太久。

I am sick of always waiting for you! - 你,老讓我等你,真是煩透了。

You'll save time not waiting for the elevator. - 你可以節省等電梯的時間。

When I was young, I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs. - 當我還是個小女孩的時候,我常聽著收音機,等待我最喜歡的歌。

The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. - 飛機誤點了,偵探們在機場等了整整一上午。

When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. - 當飛機到達時,一些偵探等候在主樓內,另一些偵探則守候在停機坪上。

he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. - 看到有兩個小偷從一家商店裡衝出來,奔向等在那裡的一輛汽車,

Most of Debbie's school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. - 黛比的大部分同學將在英國海岸等候她。

'Then I'll come with you,' he answered.'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room! - 「那我也跟你去,候診室裡總有很多東西可供閱讀!」他回答。

While we were waiting to land, - 在我們等待降落時,

You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, Waiting for a boat which never comes. - 要麼餓死,要麼像魯濱孫那樣,天天盼船來,卻總沒見船影。

Good, we've been waiting a long time. - 好,我們已經等好久啦。

This is a bus stop. The people are waiting for a bus. They are stand in line. - 這是一個公共汽車站。人們在等車。他們站成行。

So there were many people in the doctor's waiting room. - 所以醫生的候診室裡有很多人。

An Indian came into the waiting room, and walked quickly to the doctor's door. - 一個印度人走進候診室,快步朝醫生的門口走去。

I was waiting for the sound of the other shoe! - 我一直在等待另一隻鞋落地的響聲!

Uncle Wang was waiting for them outside the factory gate. - 王大叔在工廠大門外等他們。

There isn't any trouble. I'm just waiting for my change. - 沒事兒。我只是等著找錢。

But they would not listen to him. When they came to the river, a white man was waiting in the boat for them. - 但是他們不聽,當他們來到江邊時,一個白人正在船上等著他們。

A few days later about 140 black people were taken and put on a tall sailing ship waiting off the coast. - 幾天以後,大約140名黑人被帶到一艘停靠在海岸邊的大帆船上。


waiting list - 候診名單

waiting status - 等待狀態

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