eradiate[i'reidieit]vt. 輻射;發射vi. 輻射;發射
eradiate 發射;放射;eradiate radialization radiancy radiate radiation 輻射;
1.Business eradiate to the cities all around China, Southeast Asia, middle-east &African market. 業務逐步輻射全國各大中小城市,及東南亞、中東、非洲等國際市場上。
2.The sunlight at the heart of the painting eradiate everything, a dazzling example of Turner's obsession with the power of nature. 畫面中央的太陽光芒四射,威力無窮,將萬物籠罩其中,體現了透納對自然力量的迷戀。
3.When high power laser beam eradiate metal, the interaction between the laser beam and the metal make the metal to melt and to form weld seam, known as the laser welding. 激光焊接是將高強度的激光束輻射到金屬表面,通過激光與金屬的相互作用,使金屬熔化形成焊縫。