PESA 聚環氧琥珀酸;石油設備供應商協會;副睪丸取精;無源相控陣雷達;PESA percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration 經皮附睪穿刺抽吸取精術;Vivo por ella y no me pesa 我的生命已與她緊緊維繫;
1.Although for regulatory reasons M-PESA accounts do not pay interest, the service is used by some people as a savings account. 儘管由於缺乏監管,M-PESA賬戶不需支付利息,但該業務已被一些人用作儲蓄賬戶。
2.Although for regulatory reasons M-PESA accounts do not pay interest, the service is used by some people as a savings account. 儘管出於管理原因,「M-PESA」賬戶不支付利息,但是還是有些人把這項服務當作存儲賬戶使用。
3.PESA also has certain corrosion inhibition performance, and good synergistic effect with other corrosion and scale inhibitors. PESA也有一定的緩蝕性能,可以和其他的藥劑復配生成低磷或無磷的緩蝕劑。