quarantinableadj. 應隔離的;應受檢疫的
quarantinable 應受檢疫的;quarantinable diseases 屬於受檢查範圍的疫病;quarantinable disease 檢疫傳染病;應受檢疫的傳染病;疫症;檢疫疾病;quarantinable diseases information 檢疫範圍的疫病情報;quarantinable insect vectors 應檢病蟲;
1.The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place. 對因患檢疫傳染病而死亡的病人屍體,必須就近火化,不准移運。
2.Article 3 Infectious diseases specified in this Law shall include quarantinable infectious diseases and infectious diseases to be monitored. 第三條 本法規定的傳染病是指檢疫傳染病和監測傳染病。
3.Hong Kong lists 27 statutory notifiable infectious diseases, including the newly added chickenpox. Cholera, plague and yellow fever are quarantinable diseases. 法例規定,香港有27種傳染病須向當局呈報,包括霍亂、鼠疫及黃熱病等檢疫疾病,以及新增的水痘。