





n. breather ,breathing place ,hint ,intimation


breath[breθ]n. 呼吸,氣息;一口氣,(呼吸的)一次;瞬間,瞬息;微風;跡象;[語]無聲音,氣音


breath 呼吸;氣息;呼吸,氣息;胸脯,乳房;deep breath 深呼吸;劃過手心的記憶;釋義:深呼吸;華麗搖滾;breath group 換氣單位;breath stream 呼吸流;breath in 吸氣;張創作專輯;吸入;


1.People live a tree for breath. 人爭一口氣,樹活一塊皮。

2.This is one of the reasons we start with the breath. 這是我們禪修從觀氣[風,呼吸]出發的原因之一。

3.I need time to get my breath after all this running. 我跑了這麼多路需要有時間讓呼吸恢復正常。


Don't waste your breath trying to persuade them, they'll never listen. - 別白費口舌規勸他們,他們不會聽你的話。

The sight of such a beautiful girl took Tony's breath away. - 看到如此美麗的女孩,他目瞪口呆。

It was so beautiful it took my breath away. - 它美得使我目瞪口呆。

They won't listen, so don't waste your breath telling them. - 他們聽不進去,不必和他們多費口舌了。

The mother's breath is aye sweet. - 母親的低語總是甜蜜的。

At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. - 在洛杉磯的一個特設的游泳池裡,孩子們甚至在還沒有學會走路時就已經能熟練地在水下屏住呼吸了。

Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once. - 有些孩子能夠跑完游泳池的全長而不用露出水面換氣。

How long can you hold your breath underwater? - 你在水裡屏住氣不呼吸能呆多久?

Take a deep breath and I'll time you. But don't drown! - 深吸一口氣,我來給你計時。但別淹著!


single breath test - 一次呼吸試驗

lactose breath hydrogentest - 乳糖呼吸氫試驗

low-pitch breath sound - 低調呼吸音

metamorphosing breath soumd - 變態呼吸音

breath test - 呼吸試驗

asthmatic breath sound - 喘息性呼吸音

breath holding - 屏氣

breath holding time - 屏氣時間

breath holding test - 屏氣試驗

bronchial breath sounds; bronchial breathing - 支氣管呼吸音

bronchial breath sounds; bronchial breathing - 支氣管性呼吸音

bronchovesicular breath sounds; bronchovesicular breathing - 支氣管肺泡呼吸音

breath counting; breathcounting - 數息

normal breath sound - 正常呼吸音

interrupted breath sound - 段續性呼吸音

shortness of breath and unwillingness to speak - 氣短懶言

mixed breath sounds - 混合性呼吸音

pathologic breath sounds - 病理性呼吸音

vesicular breath sounds; vesicular respiration; vesicular sound - 肺泡音

shortness of breath due to the kidney deficiency - 腎喘

metallic tinkle breath sound - 金音

high pitched breath sound - 高調呼吸音


n.氣息異常 - abnormal breath

n.酒臭 - alcoholic breath

氨基比林呼吸試驗 - aminopyrine breath test

n.正水 - anasarca with shortnes of breath

n.正水 - anasarca with shortness of breath

n.喘息性呼吸音 - asthmatic breath sound

口臭 - bad breath

n.支氣管呼吸音,支氣管性呼吸音 - bronchial breath sounds

n.支氣管肺泡呼吸音 - bronchovesicular breath sounds

深呼吸 - deep breath

n.口臭 - foul breath

n.高調呼吸音 - high pitched breath sound

急切地呼吸 - hunger breath

n.段續性呼吸音 - interrupted breath sound

n.乳糖呼吸氫試驗 - lactose breath hydrogentest

n.低調呼吸音 - low-pitch breath sound

n.變態呼吸音 - metamorphosing breath soumd

n.金音 - metallic tinkle breath sound

n.混合性呼吸音 - mixed breath sounds

n.正常呼吸音 - normal breath sound

n.呼氣惡臭 - offensive breath

n.病理性呼吸音 - pathologic breath sounds

n.氣促,氣短 - short breath

n.短氣,氣喘 - shorthness of breath

n.呼吸急促,氣促 - shortness of breath

n.氣短懶言 - shortness of breath and unwillingness to speak

n.腎喘 - shortness of breath due to the kidney deficiency

n.一次呼吸 - single breath

n.一次呼吸試驗 - single breath test

n.尿毒性呼氣 - uremic breath

n.肺泡音 - vesicular breath sounds


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