ADSP 自動相關監視專家組;無水磷酸二鈉;無水磷酸氫二鈉;ADSP ADvancedSignalProcessing 高級信號處理;ADSP AutomaticDialingSwitchingNetwork 自動撥號交換網絡;ADSP RTC Not Used 存取器時實時時鐘未作用常用於諾基亞手機電路;存取器時實時時鐘未作用,常用於諾基亞手機電路;Disodium Phosphate Anhydrous ADSP 無水磷酸氫二鈉;
1.Secondly, the author introduced the idea and implementation of the optimization on ADSP Blackfin537 in detail, also described the result in the following page. 其次,深入得介紹了AAC解碼算法在ADSP Blackfin537上的優化方法和思路,描述了優化效果。
2.ADSP-TS201 is utilized to control the data transferring and storing, while FPGA is used to control the data interface. The network interface is adopted to communicate with the computer. 採用ADSP-TS201為主要的傳輸、存儲控制器,FPGA為主要的接口處理單元,通過網絡接口實現與上位計算機的通信。
3.Summarizes the design flow of high-speed digital system, introduces the design methodology based on SI simulation. Last a design instance of high-speed digital system based on ADSP-TS101 is presented. 總結了高速數字設計流程,介紹了基於SI仿真的高速數字系統設計方法,最後給出了基於ADSP-TS101的高速DSP系統設計實例。