n. organized religion ,religion ,religious belief ,trust
faith[feiθ]n. 信仰;信念;信任;忠實
Faith 信心;信仰;信念;約定;Faith Hill 費絲希爾;菲絲-希爾;菲絲·希爾;希爾;good faith 誠意,誠信;誠信;誠意;誠實信用;in faith 確實,的確;確實;bad faith 奸詐;叛徒;惡意;自我欺騙;
1.Love asks faith , and faith asks firmness . 愛情要求忠誠,忠誠要求堅定。
2.Faith go out through the window when beauty come in at the door. 美人從門口走進來之際,就是信仰心從窗戶溜出去之時。
3.For these reasons, we do not make a written statement the test of faith. 因為這些理由,我們不使一份書面的陳述成為信心的測試。
for his faith in my project. - 對我工作計劃的信心。
Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. - 愛情要求忠誠,而忠誠要求堅貞。
Love asks faith,and faith firmness. - 愛情要求信任,信任要求堅定。
After years of conditioning, most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables. - 經過多年的適應,大多數人對火車時刻表產生了一種不可動搖的信念。
but although our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, - 可是雖然我們對我們祖先篤信的許多事物已不太相信,
This modern faith in medicines is proved by the fact - 這個事實證實了現代人對藥物的信賴。
Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine. - 並不只是那些無知和沒受過良好教育的人才迷信藥瓶子。
and how much this faith means to a child. - 孩子們的這種信念會對孩子產生多麼大的影響,