hundredsn. 數百
hundreds 數百;百位;百戶邑;上百;hundreds place 百位;Bobby Hundreds 亨德羅斯;hundreds of 數以百計的;成百的,成百上千的;數以百計,許多;幾百,成百上千;Chiltern Hundreds 英屬領地;奇爾特恩英皇直屬領地;
1.Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions. 每天有好幾百人打電話查詢各種各樣的問題。
2.They now number in the hundreds and they form the base of this book. 目前資料編號記錄已達數以百記,這些資料成為本書基礎。
3.It is a tragic history where hundreds of millions of unfortunate souls have been slaughtered, mostly by their own government. 那是一個悲慘的歷史,有成千上萬不幸的人們被屠宰,大多數是被他們自己的政府。
There were hundreds of people there. - 許許多多人都去了賽場。
On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. - 每適星期天,有許許多人從城裡來觀賞我們的小鎮,並在樹林中散步。
For hundreds of years, St.Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. - 幾百年來,聖伯納德修道院馴養狗拯救了許多翻越這道山口的旅遊者的生命。
The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. - 於是,他發出棄船的命令,幾百人跳進了冰冷刺骨的海水裡。
They devise hundreds of competitions which will enable us to win huge sums of money. - 他們設計數以百計的競賽,競賽中有人可贏得巨額獎金。
The lorry was loaded with empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the vehicle and on to the road. - 卡車上裝著空啤酒瓶。成百隻瓶子順勢從卡車後面滑出車外落在馬路上。
In the meantime, the lorry driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles. - 在這段時間裡,卡車司機不得不清掃那幾百隻破瓶子。
The tiny painting proved to be an unknown masterpiece by Correggio and was worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. - 那幅不大的畫原來是柯勒喬的一幅未被發現的傑作,價值幾十萬英鎊。
let alone distances of tens or hundreds of light years. - 更不用說幾十光年或幾百光年遠的地方了。
Some of the things were hundreds of years old. - 展出的一些東西已有數百年的歷史了。
I think we are the first people here for hundreds of years. Maybe thousands. - 「我認為幾百年,可能幾千年以來,我們是第一次來這裡的人。」