





n. ascension ,ascent ,rise


a. descending


ascending[ə'sendiŋ]adj. 上升的v. 上升;獲得(ascend的ing形式);追溯


ascending 上行;升序;上升;上升的;ascending order 遞升序;升序;遞升序次;遞升次序;ascending sort 升序排序;遞升排序;遞升分類,遞升排序,升序排列;升序排列;ascending series 遞增系列;上升系列;遞增級數,遞增數列;升級數;ascending branch 升支;上升段,上升枝;上升部份(光變曲線);


1.Stems procumbent to ascending, often much branched. 莖平臥到上升,通常多分枝的。

2.Humans have the tougher time ascending in harmlessness as compared with dolphins and whales. 相比海豚和鯨魚,人類在提升入無害中有著更困難的時期。

3.For those whom are ascending, there is success as one begins to live their truth and live in joy. 對那些正提升的人類來說,當你開始生活在你自己的真相和歡樂中,這就是成功。


ascending cholangiohepatitis - 上升性膽管性肝炎

ascending ramus; ramus ascendens - 上升支

ascending segment - 上升段

ascending phase - 上升相

ascending angle - 上升角

ascending velocity - 上升速度

ascending illusion - 上升錯覺

ascending stage - 上升階段

ascending chrimatography - 上行層析法

ascending development method - 上行展開法

ascending infection - 上行性感染

ascending edema - 上行性水腫

ascending degen eration - 上行性潰變

ascending inflammation - 上行性炎

ascending reticular activating system - 上行性網狀激動系統

ascending pyelography - 上行性腎盂造影術

ascending poliomyelitis - 上行性脊髓灰質炎

ascending myelitis - 上行性脊髓炎

ascending spinal paralysis - 上行性脊髓麻痺

ascending paralysis - 上行性麻痺

ascending tract - 上行束

ascending method - 上行法

ascending activiating system - 上行激動系統

ascending tube - 上行管

ascending fibers - 上行纖維

ascending paper partition chromatography - 上行紙分配色譜法

ascending paper chromatography - 上行紙層析法

ascending paperchromatogra-phy - 上行紙色譜法

ascending chromatography - 上行色層分離

ascending cromatography - 上行色譜法

ascending axonal cell - 上行軸突細胞

acute ascending spinal paralysis; landrys; landrys paralysis - 蘭德裡氏麻痺

qi of chong channel ascending adversely - 沖氣

aorta ascendens; ascending aorta - 升主動脈

aneurysm of ascending aorta - 升主動脈瘤

ascending prescription; prescription with elevating effect - 升劑

ascending limb of henles loop; ramus ascendens - 升支

ascending colon; colon ascendens - 升結腸

carcinoma of ascending colon - 升結腸癌

ascending mesocolon; mesocolon ascendens - 升結腸系膜

ascending part - 升部

disturbance in ascending and descending; disturbance in asending and decending; disturbance in axcending and dexcending - 升降失常

resection of ileocecum and ascending colon - 回盲部升腸切除術

acute ascending paralysis - 急性上升性麻痺

acute ascending spinal paralysis - 急性上行性脊髓麻痺

lucid yang ascending to the upper orifices - 清陽出上竅

n. descending and ascending of the pit - 炕的下降與上升

ascending lumbar vein; vena lumbalis ascendens - 腰升靜脈

mills disease; progressiva ascending hemiplegia - 進行性神經病性肌萎縮

ascending degeneration; reteograde degeneration - 逆行性變性


n.急性上升性麻痺 - acute ascending paralysis

n.急性上行性脊髓麻痺,蘭德裡氏麻痺 - acute ascending spinal paralysis

n.升主動脈瘤 - aneurysm of ascending aorta

n.升結腸癌 - carcinoma of ascending colon

n.升降失常 - disturbance in ascending and descending

n.清陽出上竅 - lucid yang ascending to the upper orifices

n.進行性神經病性肌萎縮 - progressiva ascending hemiplegia

n.沖氣 - qi of chong channel ascending adversely

n.回盲部升腸切除術 - resection of ileocecum and ascending colon

n.降逆 - send down the ascending reverse flow of qi

n.降氣 - sending down abnormally ascending qi

n.髓袢升支粗段 - thick ascending limb of henles loop

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