plasteinn. 合成類蛋白(由蛋白質在胃內的消化產物合成);改制蛋白;類蛋白
plastein 類蛋白;合成類蛋白;改制蛋白;胃合蛋白;plastein reaction 類蛋白反應;
1.This article introduces some suggestions and methods of reforming interior wall plastein respect of reducing or even giving up the plastering work. 從減少或取消抹灰的角度介紹改革內牆抹灰的意見和方法。
2.Plastein reaction offers considerable control potential on nutritional and functional properties of food proteins, which has been of great interest in the food industry. 合成類蛋白反應在控制食物蛋白營養性和功能性方面顯示出巨大的潛力,已成為食品工業的研究熱點。
3.Casein hydrolysates were prepared by hydrolysis of casein with papain, and then modified by papain-catalyzed plastein reaction to prepare antioxidant peptides with higher activity. 利用木瓜蛋白酶對酪蛋白水解,並對所得到的水解物進行類蛋白反應修飾,制備高活性抗氧化肽。