right-thinking['rait'θiŋkiŋ]adj. 思想健全的;頭腦正常的
right-thinking 思想健全的;頭腦正常的;
1.THE result was not what was expected by decent, right-thinking people, the sort who think religions can rub along together. 體面而有正常思維的人認為,不同宗教間可融洽相處,故(瑞士的)投票結果出乎他們意料。
2.When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and right-thinking people worried about how to feed the hungry. 世界原本沒有這麼複雜,那時,富人胖,窮人瘦,頭腦正常的人在發愁:怎樣才能讓挨餓的人吃上飯。
3.Church sermons often deal with contemporary problems and the duty of right-thinking men in solving them, and churches are active in reform movement of all kinds. 教堂宣道往往論及當代問題以及正直的人在解決這些問題時所肩負的職責,教會也積極參加各種改革運動。