Sufentanil 芬太尼;蘇芬太尼;芬坦尼;舒芬太尼;sufentanil citrate 檸檬酸舒芬太尼;枸椽酸舒芬太尼;枸櫞酸舒芬太尼;The value and effects on gastrointestinal motility of sufentanil with different analgesic technique 下一篇論文: 舒芬太尼不同鎮痛方式其療效及對胃腸動力的影響;
1.Conclusion: Intranasal sufentanil for analgesia is safe and useful. 結論:經鼻滴入舒芬太尼鎮痛安全有效。
2.The effect of epidural sufentanil in ropivacaine on urinary retention in patients undergoing gastrectomy. 胃切除術患者用含有蘇芬太尼的羅哌卡因行術後鎮痛,(觀察其)對尿瀦留的影響。
3.Conclusion The postoperative analgesic efficacy of sufentanil was better than morphine in children with congenital heart disease. 結論 舒芬太尼在先天性心臟病患兒中術後鎮痛的效果優於嗎啡。