





n. disfiguration ,disfigurement ,malformation ,misshapenness


deformity[di'fɔ:məti]n. 畸形;畸形的人或物;道德方面的缺陷


deformity 畸形;變形;畸形,變形;殘缺;notch deformity 切跡狀畸形;缺口畸形;缺口畸形,切跡狀畸形;chest deformity 胸廓畸形;Willing Deformity 自我摧殘;apron deformity 下垂畸形;圍裙樣下垂畸形;


1.Deformity is the most common complication following fracture. 畸形是骨折後最常見的併發症。

2.An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body. 一種異常且常為永久性的縮短,如肌肉或瘢痕組織,會導致扭曲或變形,特別是身體關節處。

3.Background: The effectiveness of excision of osteochondromas in controlling the progression of forearm and wrist deformity remains an issue of controversy. 背景:目前切除骨軟骨瘤是否能有效控制前臂和手腕部畸形的發展仍是爭論的焦點。


congenital deformity of upper limb - 上肢先天性畸形

congenital deformity of leg - 下肢先天性畸形

parachute deformity of mitral valve - 二尖瓣降落傘狀畸形

congenital deformity if auditory ossicles - 先天性聽骨畸形

congenital deformity of auricle - 先天性耳廓畸形

congenital deformity of gallbladder - 先天性膽囊畸形

congenital deformity of biliary tract - 先天性膽道畸形

congenital deformity of spine - 先天性脊柱畸形

congenital deformity of skull - 先天性顱畸形

developmental deformity of nose - 發育性鼻畸形

deformity of auditory ossicles - 聽骨畸形

traumatic deformity of lip - 外傷性唇畸形

traumatic deformity of external ear - 外傷性外耳畸形

traumatic deformity of sinus - 外傷性鼻骨畸形

deformity of external ear - 外耳畸形

deformity of urethra - 尿道畸形

infective deformity of auricle - 感染性耳廓畸形

infective deformity of nose - 感染性鼻畸形

deformity following operation of harelip - 手術後唇裂畸形

deformity of pelvis - 畸形骨盆

deformity of rectum - 直腸畸形

congenital deformity of ear - 耳郭先天性畸形

shortening deformity of extremity - 肢體短縮畸形

deformity of gallbladder - 膽囊畸形

deformity of biliary tract - 膽道畸形

congenital deformity of chest wall - 胸壁先天畸形

deformity of spinal column; deformity of spine - 脊柱畸形

deformity of bladder - 膀胱畸形

hourglass deformity of bladder - 膀胱砂鍾畸形

deformity of knee - 膝關節畸形

deformity of lingual frenum - 舌繫帶畸形

rhinosporidiumtal deformity of gallbladder - 西伯氏鼻孢子蟲

congenital deformity of the tongue; double tongue; tongue tumor or sublingua fibroma - 重舌

anomaly of scrotm; deformity of scrotum - 陰囊畸形

deformity of plevis - 骨盆畸形

deformity of nose - 鼻畸形


n.成角畸形 - angulation deformity

n.炭末沉著性變形 - anthracotic deformity

n.闌尾畸形 - appendicular deformity

n.阿-希二氏畸形,阿-希二氏綜合征 - arnold-chiari deformity

n.返祖畸形 - atavistic deformity

n.耳郭畸形 - aural deformity

鈕孔狀切開變形 - boutonniere deformity

n.畸形中央尖,中央尖畸形 - central cusp deformity

n.雞胸變形 - chicken breast deformity

n.顱骨顏面先天畸形 - congenital craniofacial deformity

n.先天性畸形 - congenital deformity

n.先天性聽骨畸形 - congenital deformity if auditory ossicles

n.先天性耳廓畸形 - congenital deformity of auricle

n.先天性膽道畸形 - congenital deformity of biliary tract

n.胸壁先天畸形 - congenital deformity of chest wall

n.耳郭先天性畸形 - congenital deformity of ear

n.先天性膽囊畸形 - congenital deformity of gallbladder

n.下肢先天性畸形 - congenital deformity of leg

n.先天性顱畸形 - congenital deformity of skull

n.先天性脊柱畸形 - congenital deformity of spine

n.重舌 - congenital deformity of the tongue

n.上肢先天性畸形 - congenital deformity of upper limb

n.先天性直腸肛門畸形 - congential rectoanal deformity

n.肋軟骨畸形 - costochondral deformity

n.顱面骨畸形 - craniofaclal deformity

n.牙頜畸形 - dentognathic deformity

n.塌陷畸形 - depression deformity

n.發育畸形 - developmental deformity

n.發育性鼻畸形 - developmental deformity of nose

n.雙唇畸形 - double lip deformity

n.耳郭畸形 - ear deformity

n.外翻畸形 - eversional deformity

n.面部畸形 - facial deformity

n.屈曲畸形 - flexion deformity

叉狀變形 - fork deformity

n.梭狀畸形 - fusiform deformity

槍托狀變形,肘內翻 - gunstock deformity

n.砂鍾形變形 - hour-glass deformity

n.膀胱砂鍾畸形 - hourglass deformity of bladder

n.感染性耳廓畸形 - infective deformity of auricle

n.感染性鼻畸形 - infective deformity of nose

內在負變形,內在負位變形 - intrinsic minus deformity

內在正變形,內在正位變形 - intrinsic plus deformity

n.面頜畸形 - jaw-facial deformity

n.關節變形 - joint deformity

n.駝峰畸形 - kyphotic deformity

n.德隆氏畸形,馬德隆氏畸形 - madelungs deformity

n.眶畸形 - orbital deformity

n.二尖瓣降落傘狀畸形 - parachute deformity of mitral valve

n.陰莖畸形 - penis deformity

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