eceabbr. 歐洲經濟委員會(Economic Commission for Europe)
ECE 歐洲經濟委員會;歐洲;Electrical & Computer Engineering;聯合國經濟委員會;ECE EnterpriseComputerEnvironment 企業計算機環境;Ece Ege 艾思潔;ECE EngineeringConfigurationDataControl 工程配置數據控制;Ece Racing 冰道賽;
1.Horst Eckardt for contributions in the development of ECE theory and its applications in engineering. 為霍爾斯特·厄卡爾德在ECE理論開發及其在工程學中的應用獲獎。
2.ECE Regulation No. 16made by the Economic Commission for Europe. Approved by Hong Kong Transport Department. 歐洲共同市場經濟委員會訂立的第16號規例。香港運輸署認可。
3.I feel that we shouldn't worry u ece arily. The Year 2000 is a continuation of a man-made calendar. Look at the major religion which have stood the test of time. 我認為大家無須杞人憂天。2000年只不過是某一種人造的曆法中歲月的延續而已。看看那經受過時間考驗的各大宗教吧。