palazzin. 帕拉齊(男子名)
Palazzi 帕拉齊;Michael Palazzi 帕拉奇;Stefano Palazzi 帕拉齊;Aster Group Edoardo Palazzi 美國 建築材料;Palazzi e Musei Vaticani 梵蒂岡博物館;
1.It must also be said that there is much beauty to behold in this bustling Mediterranean city, home to historic palazzi and the world's best pizza. 但不得不說在這個忙亂的地中海城市依舊很美如:歷史悠久的豪華宮殿和全世界最好的批薩。
2.Today, you can walk in their footsteps past the masterpieces of Michelangelo, sip your cafe in the shadow of Mussolini, and dodge Vespas speeding by baroque palazzi and Egyptian obelisks. 今天你可以沿著他們的足跡,從米開朗琪羅的傑作旁徐行而過,在墨索里尼的陰影下品嚐咖啡,閃身躲過從巴洛克式宮殿和埃及方尖塔旁飛馳而過的摩托車。
3.Today, you can walk in their footsteps past the masterpieces of Michelangelo, sip your cafe in the shadow of Mussolini, and dodge Vespas speeding by Baroque palazzi and Egyptian obelisks. 今天你可以沿著他們的足跡,從米開朗琪羅的傑作旁徐行而過,在墨索里尼的陰影下品嚐咖啡,閃身躲過從巴羅克式宮殿和埃及方尖塔旁飛馳而過的小摩托車。