praefect['pri:fekt]n. 長官
praefect 長官;提督;chancellor chief ephor praefect praetor prefect 長官;
1.Praefect Department of Beiyang Navy on Liugong Island is important ancient relics of Weihai. 威海的重要古跡是劉公島上的北洋海軍提督署。
2.Left and right turrets in front of the gate are places for beating gongs and playing music and watch towers and the east and west sides are the outer gate of the Praefect Department. 大門前左右角樓為鳴金、奏樂和瞭望處,東西兩側是轅門。整個建築飛簷畫棟,雄偉壯觀。
3.There are showroom for cultural relics from the Sino-Japanese War wax museum and martyrdom place of Ding Ruchang in the praefect department and also a museum for the Sino-Japanese War. 提督署內現辟有甲午海戰文物陳列室、蠟像館和丁汝昌殉難處,設有中國甲午戰役博物館。