sandpit['sændpit]n. 沙坑;采沙坑
sandpit 采沙場;采沙坑;砂坑 采砂場;砂坑 采砂場;Sitting in a sandpit 坐在沙坑裡;坐臥在沙坑中;坐在沙坑裡冥想;獨坐井觀天;Marlies manter's Sandpit 令人敬畏 查看;華麗 查看;sittin' in a sandpit 坐在沙坑裡;Sitting in a sandpit Life is a short trip 坐臥在沙坑中 人生是一段短暫的旅行;
1.The children were playing in the sandpit. 孩子們在沙坑裡玩耍。
2.He has been running in a sandpit to try to increase the rate of recovery on his foot, a treatment that is tough but rewarding. 他近來開始在沙坑上跑步,以提高他腳傷的復元速度。這個治療雖然很嚴苛,不過卻是值得的。
3.You don't have to learn how to hit a ball out of a sandpit, what you should learn is how to avoid hitting the ball into a sandpit in the first place ! 答:「程大撒不必學如何將球從沙坑裡打出去。您首要學著如何不要將球打進沙坑裡!」