cliquesn. 派系;小集團(clique的複數形式)v. 結黨(clique的第三人稱單數)
cliques 小集團;小集團。;派系;form cliques for private gain 結黨營私;From the Eight QueensProblem to the Problem of Finding All Cliques of a Graph 西洋棋盤上八皇后問題的探討,;
1.Even within the military or intelligence organizations there are stratas, groups, and cliques. 即使在軍方或者情報組織內部,還有階層,團體,宗派。
2.Cliques Group of employees who stick together bound by common beliefs, interests, and/or personalities. 小集團一組員工因共同的信仰、興趣和/或性格而結集在一起。
3.Based on the evolvement characteristics of the author collaboration cliques in scientific theses, this article constructs an emerging model of scientific cooperation network. 基於科研論文的作者合作關係簇的演化特性,建立了一個科研合作網絡的簇湧現模型。