fence-sittingn. 猶豫不決;中立政策,騎牆
fence-sitting 中立政策;Not to be fence-sitting 勿兩可;be on the hedge fence-sitting ride the fence sit on the fence 騎牆;
1.They mostly only pretended to agree, as a fence-sitting statement on the Middle East, thrashed out by Vladimir Putin and Britain's Tony Blair, showed. 在中東問題的表演上,除了普京和布萊爾進行了深入而坦率的交流外,許多領導人僅僅是假裝同意發表一個騎牆的聲明。
2.not the sort of fence-sitting voters who candidates will spend the next year trying to convert into loyal supporters who will turn out on mid-winter caucus night. 可不是些兩頭倒的牆頭草。這些人是候選人在下一年試圖把他們變成自己忠實粉絲去出席寒冬舉行的政黨會議的目標。
3.According to the diplomatic policies of Shanghai, the fence-sitting policy of Qing Dynasty, although challenged, was still carried out and safeguarded the stability of Shanghai. 日俄戰爭時期的上海外交表明,清政府的局外中立政策在上海雖然受到挑戰,但最終還是得到了貫徹,從而維護了上海的和平與安定。