malaise 不適;不適,不舒服;不舒服;全身乏力;EVIL MALAISE 心魔;Malaise trap 馬氏網;malaise anglaise 英國病;political malaise 政治疾病;
1.Yet the malaise afflicting its most important industry is almost entirely man-made. 然而這個影響該國最重要的行業的問題根源卻完全是人禍。
2.Yet artificial life suffers from the same malaise that afflicts its cousin, artificial intelligence. 但是人工生命卻跟它的表親人工智能有著同樣的難言之隱。
3.Yet despite all these achievements, the sense of malaise in Chile is as palpable as the snow blanketing the Andes. 可是,儘管所有這些成就,但智利心神不安的感覺仍像白雪覆蓋安地斯山脈一樣可以觸摸。
4.The disease usually begins with a fever, poor appetite, malaise (feeling vaguely unwell), and often with a sore throat. 此病一般開始於發燒,食慾減退,感覺不適,往往會有咽喉腫痛。
5."GERMANY is plagued by a severe economic malaise and by uncertainty about its place in the world, " wrote The Economist in a special report in 200
2. 2002年《經濟學人》的一篇專題報道曾這樣寫道:「國際地位的不確定、人民對經濟的嚴重不滿正深深困擾著德國。」
n.全身不適 - general malaise