compartmentation[kəm,pɑ:tmən'teiʃən]n. 分隔;區分
compartmentation 區室化,區室作用[可指發育時一系列從大區室到小區室越分越細的過程;艙間佈置,艙區佈置;分隔;區域化;build compartmentation 建築分隔成區;Fire compartmentation 防火分隔;防火分隔watertight compartmentation 水密分艙;box off compart compartmentation 分隔;
1.Examples include compartmentation, suppression, control of construction materials, exit systems, and smoke management. 比如包括分區、施工材料管理、疏散系統和防排煙。
2.Now there isn"t a good enough method to solve the problem of character compartmentation. In this paper, a method to solve the problem of character compartmentation is proposed." 在現階段還沒有一種很好的方法來解決中文分詞的問題,本文將會提出一種面向用戶興趣建模的中文分詞方法。
3.Based on the performance-based design, fire protection of steel framework, fire protection of glass wall, fire compartmentation, fire compartment and smoke control are discussed. 利用性能化設計的思想,從鋼結構防火、玻璃幕牆防火、防火分隔與防火分區以及防排煙等方面探討了汽車銷售專營店的消防安全性能化設計途徑。