iconic[ai'kɔnik]adj. [計]圖標的,形象的
iconic 圖標的;形象的;肖像的;圖像的;iconic Pirate 海盜系列;iconic project 代表性的工程;iconic value 標誌性的價值;iconic brand 圖騰性品牌;
1.And now this portrait will take on another role in the life of our country -- as one of 40 iconic images in the "Picturing America" collection. 並且這張畫像現在將需要在其它角色在我們的國家中生活--作為40個偶像圖像的當中一個在「生動描述美國」彙集。
2.Once we had the idea of creating an image out of coffee cups we searched for something iconic to reproduce - and opted for the most iconic painting in history. 用咖啡杯塑造圖像的想法一產生,阿拉就開始尋找有代表性的複製對象,最後阿拉選擇了這副歷史上最具代表性的畫作。
3.Being friends with the iconic hobbyist corresponding to the Show Biz, Athletic, Natural Science or Gaming career now reduces the friend requirement for promotions by two instead of one. 作為朋友的偶像愛好者相應的顯示商業,體育,自然科學或遊戲的職業生涯現在減少了朋友的要求晉陞由兩個而不是一個。