PPSabbr. [化]聚苯硫(polyphenylene sulfite);每秒脈衝數(pulses per second);(拉)再附言(post postscriptum);一種網絡在線電視軟件(PPStream)
PPS 聚苯硫醚;公共採購服務機構;供應聚苯硫醚;供應進口聚苯硫醚;uusee pps 勁爆體育;衛視體育台灣;緯來體育;廣東體育;PPS PulsesPerSecond 每秒脈衝數;PPS PacketsPerSeconds 每秒傳送的信息包數;PPS PeriodsPerSecond 每秒周數,赫茲;
1.This article describes the structure of PPS 200 AC Drive System, the function of each section and developing trend of the system. 介紹了為高速紙機配套的PPS
2.The influences of several major fibers and fiber surface status on the crystallization and properties of PPS/fiber-reinforced composites are summarized. 總結了幾種主要纖維及纖維表面狀況對聚苯硫醚(PPS)增強複合材料的結晶行為和性能的影響。
3.This article reviews the structure, performance, synthesis and application of PPS wordwide, and makes some predictions for the future developments of PPS. 筆者綜述了聚苯硫醚的結構、性能、合成與應用研究進展,並對今後聚苯硫醚的發展進行了預測。