RFD Reduced Function Device;討論請求;rural free delivery;Remote Fault Detect;RFD RequestforDiscussion 請求討論,添加討論組提案;RFD RadioFrequencycarriershift 射頻載波漂移;RFD Refund 償還,退款;rifadin RFD 利福定;
1.Successful applicant will only be allocated with one TWFD or one region of RFD even if it submits the highest pledges for more than one TWFD or more than one region of RFD. 倘若申請機構就多於一天全港賣旗日或多於一個分區賣旗日區域作出最高籌款承諾,有關機構亦只會獲分配一天全港賣旗日或一個分區賣旗日的區域。
2.Except for circumstances at (7) below, applications for RFD will not be considered for TWFD, and vice versa. 除下述(7)項的情況外,本署在分配全港賣旗日時不會考慮分區賣旗日的申請,相反亦然。
3.Under such circumstances, the TWFDs or the regions of the RFD concerned will be allocated in a way to achieve the highest total anticipated donation. 若有此情況,社會福利署會以達至最高總目標籌款額的原則,分配有關的全港賣旗日及分區賣旗日的分區。
Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. - Pete Waters, Chesterton鄉村免費郵遞路 一號。
Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. - Pete Waters,Chesterton鄉村免費郵遞路 一號 。