SSLabbr. 加密套接字協議層(一種加密的通訊協定,用在使用者與網服器之間,Security Socket Layer)
SSL Secure Socket Layer;Secure Sockets Layer;安全套接層;Security socket layer;SSL ShiftandSeLect 位移與選擇;SSL SoftwareSpecificationLanguage 軟件說明語言;SSL VPN 高層安全協議虛擬專網;遠端電腦安全存取;Enterprise SSL 企業版伺服器憑證;
1.You can enable support for SSL version 2 by selecting Security Info from the Communicator menu and opening the Navigator section. 您可以啟用對SSL版本2的支持,其方法是從「通信器」菜單選擇「安全性信息」,然後打開「導航器」部分。
2.The SSL VPN needs to ensure that after the user logs off (or is timed out) their access credentials are wiped from the browser machine. SSL VPN要求確保用戶登出後(或超時後),把他們獲得的訪問憑證從瀏覽器的機器上抹去。
3.SSL and SSH support guarantee the security of data transmission, even if not in the international community to achieve several software such high. 支援SSL和SSH保證數據傳輸的安全性,目前就算在國際上也沒有幾款軟件能達到這樣的高。