substrata[,sʌb'streitə, -'strɑ:-]n. 根基;下層;地層內段(substratum的複數)
substrata 地層內段;下層;膠層;基礎;substrata substratum 的複數;control of substrata 子層控制;副層管制;
1.Perhaps I can travel the Crystal Highways here as we do on Spheris, and communicate with the tortured substrata of this world. 也許我能像在史菲利思上那樣,走這裡的『水晶公路』,再和這個星球扭曲的內地層溝通一下。
2.It has become evident in the past few years that the amount of fossil fuel in the earth's substrata is not infinite source of energy. 在最近幾年已非常明顯的看出在地層裡的礦物燃料不是無窮無盡的能源。
3.There are substrata competition between the heterotrophic denitrification bacteria and ANAMMOX bacteria when organics in the influent. 厭氧氨氧化污泥中存在著異養反硝化菌,有機物的存在會導致其與厭氧氨氧化菌之間的基質競爭。