SVSSuper Value-added Service超增值服務;Software Virtualization Solution賽門鐵克的一種應用程序虛擬化的引擎;Space Vehicle Simulate 宇宙飛行器模擬裝置;Schedule Visibility System 進度表可見性系統裝置
SVS 乙烯基磺酸鈉;迅控;電源電壓監控器;Super Value-added Service;svs crew 街舞培訓招生;HS SVS 豪傑視頻點播系統;豪傑超級視頻點播系統;SVS SV-3550 迅控 SV-3550;SVS SV-3500 迅控 SV-3500;
1.What's best for me? Cylinder or Box SVS subwoofer? 圓柱形還是方形低音炮,對我來說什麼最好?
2.This helps keep distortion sent to your SVS to a minimum. 這有助於將最低程度的失真傳送到您的SVS。
3.And of course if you start out with an SVS surround sound speaker package, you know every aspect of design, even the finish will be a perfect match! 當然,如果你已經購買了SVS的音箱套裝,各方面的設計,包括外觀都將是完美配合。