underemploymentn. 不充分就業;未按專長就業
underemployment 不充分就業;未充份就業;低就業;低度就業;underemployment equilibrium 就業不足的均衡狀態;invisible underemployment 隱性低度就業;underemployment rate 就業不足率;就業不足率 勞工;就 業 不 足 率;visible underemployment 顯性低度就業;
1.There is more unemployment or underemployment of labour and capital equipment in the slump than in the boom. 在衰退時期比繁榮時期勞動力和資本設備方面出現更多失業或就業不足的現象。
2.This comes as a welcome respite for professionals who've experienced layoffs, underemployment and visa issues. 這對經歷了裁員、失業和簽證問題的專業人士來說,算得上是可喜的喘息之機。
3.The most difficult task in the process of constructing a harmonious society is underemployment. Only full employment can make a fully harmonious society. 我國構建和諧社會的最大的難點是就業不足,只能在充分就業之後社會才能充分和諧。