uslabbr. 用戶專門語言(UNIX)
USL 規格上限;統實驗室;超聲研磨;上限;USL UnitedStatesIndependentTelephoneAssociation 美國獨立電話公司協會;USL User Specialty Language 用戶專門語言;USL Ultrasonic Lithotripsy 超聲碎石術;USL Upper Specification Limit 上規格界限;規格上限;
1.All these USL systems will be transferred to the USA, following the closure of the UK factory. USL的其他多通道檢測和測厚系統也在該廠應用。隨著英國工廠的關閉,這些系統也將隨之轉移到美國。
2.Acceptance of contract or order for a particular product creates no obligation upon USL to accept further orders for such products. 特殊產品的合同或者訂單在USL上不負有責任對此產品接受進一步的訂購。
3.All contracts and orders are subject to acceptance by USL at its New Jersey offices and shall be governed by the laws of said State. 所有合同和訂單服從其在新澤西辦公室的USL的授權並且符合所涉及的國家的法律。