





a. dolled up ,garbed ,garmented ,polished


dressed['dresid]adj. 穿好衣服的;打扮好的;去內臟及分割加工好的(特指動物,如魚,禽類等)v. 裝飾;給…穿衣;佈置(dress的過去分詞)


Dressed 表面處理——用來稍微改變表面的加工術語。表面處理可以使表面稍微光滑、粗糙或剛好去除不完整的表面。;裝飾,佈置,整理;穿戴的;加工;dressed timber 刨光木材;刨光材;dressed stone 料石;琢石;料面;neatly dressed 衣著乾淨整潔;穿著整齊的;衣冠楚楚;smartly dressed 穿著得體;


1.A grasshopper, dressed in a black robe and wig. 一隻蚱蜢,穿著黑色的長袍,戴著假髮。

2.However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect. 然而,打扮成一個年輕的人,她收到更多的尊重。

3.Two people love always dressed just a romantic, marriage and the care of an apple, a cup of warm tea is more romantic than a sense of taste. 兩個人的愛情永遠只是一種光鮮的浪漫,而婚姻中一個蘋果的關懷,一杯茶的溫馨是比浪漫更值得品味的一種感覺。


You're not dressed right for this job. - 你的著裝跟你的工作不相稱。

Did you get dressed right away? - 你馬上穿好衣服嗎?

Yes, I got dressed and had breakfast. - 是,我穿好衣服了並且吃了早餐。

I used to get dressed quickly every morning. - 我過去常每天早上快速穿好衣服。

Why don't you get dressed now?Put on your work clothes. - 為什麼你不現在穿好衣服?穿上你的工作服。

Aren't you dressed too formally? - 你穿的不是太正式化了嗎?

She dressed herself hastily. - 她匆忙穿上衣服。

The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. - 那位婦女穿著一件藍色的大衣,戴著一頂大而滑稽的帽子。

She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. - 第二天上午,她又來到這家商店,穿了一件裘皮大衣,一隻手拎著一隻手提包,另一隻手拿著一把長柄傘。

Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. - 現在他身穿藍軍裝,肩扛步槍,在軍營門前大膽地來回走看。

Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. - 每天早晨,他穿上一身漂亮的黑色西裝離家上班,

When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. - 最近有個學生看見兩個工人在學校門外用風鑽幹活,馬上打電話報告警察,說有兩個學生裝扮成工人,正在用風鑽破壞路面。

He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. - 還對工人說,有個學生常裝扮成警察無聊地同別人開玩笑。

When they were very young, Mr. Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat. But he doesn't do that now. - 在他們很小時,有時候格林先生穿上一件紅色的外套。但他現在不那麼做了。

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