sleazier['sli:zi; 'slei-]adj.sleazy的變形adj. (織物等)稀薄的,質地單薄的;粗製濫造的;質次量少的簡陋的;低劣的;卑劣的庸俗低級的;色情的[口語]骯髒的,污穢的;破敗的變形: sleazier , sleaziest
sleazier 更加單薄;
1.But while Mr Singh is an impeccable front man, the country's politics has a much sleazier and more disreputable side. 雖然辛格作為頭面人物無可指摘,但印度政治卻有著更加醜陋、污穢的一面。
2.Notwithstanding his bourgeois background Helmut became highly conscious of the sleazier aspects of Berlin under the WeimarRepublic the whores he noted had an inborn sense of fashion. 儘管赫爾穆特出身中產階級家庭,但他對於在魏瑪共和國領導下的柏林的低級庸俗方面卻極為關注。他曾指出,娼妓天生就有時尚感。
3.Tattoo artists have moved uptown from the sleazier quarters and earned an unprecedented level of respect, with some of the more talented ones exhibiting their designs in mainstream art galleries. 紋身師們從更為簡陋的住宅區搬到了城鎮小區,贏得了空前的尊敬,而在更具才氣的紋身師當中,有些人還得以在主流的藝術畫廊裡展示他們的設計。