Trekkern. 特雷克牌汽車
Trekker 特雷克牌汽車;星艦迷;老牛;特雷克牌汽車(印度);Globe Trekker 勇闖天涯;玩轉地球;x Photo Trekker Classic 經典攝影旅行家;DISCOVERY GLOBE TREKKER 探索頻道 勇闖天涯;x Mini Trekker AW 迷你旅行家 AW;
1.As he is in a stable condition, the team detours to rescue another injured trekker. 由於男童的情況穩定,所以搜救隊前往拯救另一名傷者。
2.Globe Trekker's World brings you the best of the best – organized by month so you can see what's happening when you want to go. 《玩轉地球的世界》將最精良的呈現給你——一個月一個月地剖析,這樣你就能知道你想去旅行的時候會是什麼樣子了。
3.The experience inspired hiker Lomborg to join the Skivehus club. He still travels frequently to Nepal to check on the school's progress, but now as a Rotarian trekker. 這次的經驗鼓舞熱衷健